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    Finances delay the reconstruction of Malvatumauri Nakamal

    Construction of the new Malvatumauri Nakamal will not meet the targeted completion date of March 5, 2024, National Chiefs Day. The Chief Executive Officer of the Malvatumauri National Council of Chiefs, Jean Pierre Tom, has instructed the contractor to complete the main works and erect the roof of the Nakamal before the cyclone season begins in November. However, there have been difficulties in transporting materials and especially wooden poles from the bush around Efate Island to the construction site.

    Official introduction of provincial disability officers and committees

    The Disability Desk and the Vanuatu Skills Partnership made a joint trip to the province's three major centers last month.

    Malvatumauri bae Kontaktem Eleksen blong ol Jif raon Vanuatu

    Eleksen blong Eria Kaonsel blong Jif, Aelan, Urban mo Malvatumauri Kaonsel blong Jif bae I tekples long Septemba mo Oktoba yia ia.

    The Solicitor General's Death a big loss to the Office of Attorney General

    The Office of the Attorney General was shocked by the sudden passing away of the late Frederick John Gilu, Solicitor General who passed on a week ago.

    The late Frederick John Gilu was appointed as Solicitor General in May 2017.

    Consultation on the Standardization of Provincial Representation

    There has been some criticism that when law reform initiatives are undertaken by the Vanuatu Law Reform Commission, these consultations may take long.

    To refute that, it must be stated that the Vanuatu Law Reform Commission has a clientele that spans from Tafea province in the South to Torba province up North.

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