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    Every. Child. Matters. Working together in partnership

    "MJCS Child Social Welfare Coordinator Tristelle Karae and Australia's Deputy High Commissioner Emily Fisher showcase the recently opened child friendly space in MJCS office in Port Vila."


    Ministry of Justice child protection specialists highlight impact of Vanuatu-Australia partnership on Children’s Day

    PORT VILA, JULY 24: As Vanuatu celebrates Children’s Day, child protection specialists from the Ministry of Justice and Community Services (MJCS) are highlighting the work the Ministry, and its partnership with Australia, is doing for children across Vanuatu.

    Regional Seminar in Vanuatu Focuses on Child Protection in Labour Mobility Programs

    Mr Arthur Faerua, Director General Ministry of Justice and Community Services.


    Vanuatu, July 18, 2024: Stakeholders from Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu gathered in Vanuatu this week to address the challenge of protecting children in labour mobility programs like the Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) and Regional Seasonal Employment (RSE) in Australia and New Zealand.

    CLMO equips Tanna chiefs for peaceful land dispute resolution

    PORT VILA, 24 JUNE: The National Customary Land Management Office has conducted an extensive awareness campaign and training for adjudicators across Tanna Island this month.

    Vanuatu is advancing efforts to promote greater inclusion for people with disabilities

    “During a recent National Disability Committee meeting, ambitious plans to enhance disability inclusion were revealed.”

    PORT VILA: JUNE 14, 2024 The National Disability Committee (NDC) met at Tamanu on the Beach Resort in Port Vila, Vanuatu from June 10th to June 14th, 2024.

    Australia supports research to strengthen Vanuatu justice sector crisis preparedness

    Minister of Justice and Community Services (MJCS), the Hon John Amos launched the report today with Acting Australian High Commissioner Jon Philp.

    Minister unveils new Australia supported research and guidance to enhance sector’s crisis preparedness, response and recovery service delivery and coordination.

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