
    Latest news

    Bible Project for Disable People in Vanuatu

    Wycliffe Associates and the Disability Desk of the Ministry of Justice and Community Services have revised the Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier this year between the two parties.

    Universal Periodic Review National Consultation

    Vanuatu must report to the United Nations under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on progress in addressing all human rights issues.

    MJCS Cabinet Staff Contract

    Six employees of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Justice and Community Services signed their contract today. The Attorney General's Office prepared their contract under the Official Salaries Act and made the signing in the presence of Minister James Bule, MP Simil Johnson and Acting Director General Pacco Siri.

    Stade New Correctional Centre

    The Department of Correctional Services has embarked on a major project under the government's new project proposal: the construction of a new Correctional facility in Port Vila.

    Promoting the National Child Protection Referral Pathway

    Save the Children Vanuatu has partnered with the Ministry of Justice and Community Services to promote the National Child Protections Referral Pathway in Sanma Province this month.

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